Kukhanyisa sikhumba

Kukhanyisa sikhumbaTemplate:Refn ngumkhuba wekusebentisa timonyu, emakhatsakhatsa, kumbe letinye tindlela tekwenta sikhumba sibe mhlophe. Imitsi yekukhanyisa sikhumba isebenta ngekwehlisa linani  melanin yesikhumba. Imitsi leminyenti ikhonjisiswe kutsi inemandla ekukhanyiseni sikhumba, leminye inemitselela lenemvuzo (sib..: ema-antioxidant,[1] tondlamtimba, kumbe yehlise bungoti betinhlobo tsite temdlavuza); leminye yalemitsi inebungoti lobukhulu emphilweni (sibonelo, timonyo letinemekhuri).

Umsebenti hlela

Tindzawo letitsite letishe kakhulu tinebumnyama lobendlulele njengemabla e-lentigo , tinsumpe nemkhango tingakhanyiswa kute umbala wato uhambisane newesikhumba lesimadvutane. Mayelana nekucateka, sikhumba lesingakacateki singakhanyiswa kwentelwe kutsi kube nekufanana kwesikhumba sonkhe.[2]

Discovery and design hlela

Melanogenesis inhibitors have been discovered and developed through several methods, including: screening of synthetic chemical libraries (high throughput screening is occasionally used), screening of plant extracts,Template:R computational (in silico) search,[3][4] found as a side effect of previously known drugs[5][6][7]Template:R and exploration of structural analogues of previously known tyrosinase inhibitors[8][9] based on knowledge (in varying degrees) of their structure-activity relationship. Thus, the development and discovery of melanogenesis inhibitors illustrates many of the methods used in drug design. Some of the most potent competitive reversible tyrosinase inhibitors are synthetic compounds with a potency hundreds of times that of kojic acid.

References hlela

  1. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access and free license (CC BY 4.0).
  2. skin-lightening uses
  3. Empty citation (help)  Restricted access.
  4. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access and free license (CC BY 4.0).
  5. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access but non-free license.
  6. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access and free license (CC BY 4.0).
  7. Empty citation (help)  Restricted access.
  8. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access and free license (CC BY 4.0).
  9. Empty citation (help)  No-cost access and free license (CC BY 3.0).

Cite error: <ref> tag with name "Chang2009" defined in <references> is not used in prior text.
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