Khuluma:Umbuso weSwatini
Wena wekunene, lengifuna kukubuta kutsi ngabe leli likhasi lekucoca ngelive lakaNwane nobe ngembuso wakaNwane?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) Jatrobat. Time and date: 01:48, 23 íNdlovu 2008.
Umbuso waseSwatini ?
hlelaUser:Bobbyshabangu, User:DARIO SEVERI, User:Fezzy1347, User:Ludvonga, User:Jatrobat, User:Russian Federal Subjects, I sent you all a ping, because I hope that at least one of you will be active on ss-Wikipedia in the near future. I have a question that only someone who speaks your language can answer. The problem is this: You can read almost everywhere that your country is called "Umbuso weSwatini" in your language. But you can also occasionally find, for example in the Italian Wikipedia, the following spelling: "Umbuso waseSwatini". Here are a few more Google references. Did this spelling exist or does it really exist? Please answer with "Ping".--Bestoernesto (talk) 03:31, 31 iNkhwekhweti 2020 (UTC)